ALKEMY SOUL, 1040, Vienna

12.05.2024 · 12:30 - 16:30

Cycle Breaker: Beliefs & Lineage

It didn't start with you, but it can end with you.

You repeat the health challenges, emotional patterns, and relationship dynamics of your family.

And you know that.

The words your parents said to you while growing up slip out of your lips sometimes… and it scares you.

Perhaps you belong to a lineage where guilt, shame, and disconnection were the norm…

Or where the women carried the majority of the burden, without knowing how to connect with each other or themselves…

But the cycle ends with you. 

Liberating your female lineage and building in a new generation of connection, joy, ease, and healing begins here.

Maybe you don’t know where to start…

Or you’re already a cycle breaker, but drown in the heaviness of being the first one to dig your feet into the earth and bravely declare…

 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH… let's put an end to this.

Luckily, that’s where we come in.

You do have the agency and ability to transform the wounds from your lineage into power, healing, and redemption.

Sometimes you just need a little help.

In the workshop you’ll learn two essential pillars to help you take the pain from your lineage, honor it, and turn it into power: 

1. Your Lineage & Your Nervous System 

Instead of… 

  • Constantly trying to wish, distract, or think your way through big emotions

  • Walking through the world disconnected, stressed, or frozen 


  • Learning how to identify the traumatic events in the life of your family line and unconscious agreements impact your whole trajectory in life – including how you make a living, whom you choose as partner, how you behave relationally & erotically and how you cope with stress

  • Learn how your thoughts and your language are a cue in the inherited beliefs

2. Healing Your Lineage Through Expression

Instead of… 

  • Thinking you have to do elaborate rituals, be completely perfect, or spend the next 80 years in therapy to start healing your lineage 


  • Receive an overview of practices & tools based in neuroscience that can help you disentangle from the cycle of generational suffering

  • Experience a guided practice to connect & release the beliefs of your lineage - I will decide on the practice based on the needs of the people in the group, can be from a small system constellation to powerful lineage visualisation meditation or creative arts or all of them :)

You are either

building the life someone else wants you to have

or the one that you are meant to have

it’s time to decide.

Meet Your Mentor

Hi! I’m Felicia,
and I am a cycle breaker.

At points in my journey, I was pissed at myself that I even started untangling all the knots in the family. At times, I was infuriated that my family started looking up to me for a way to deal with their issues.

Still, looking back, I cannot explain the ease and the freedom in my life that I experience inside of me now. To the outside maybe not much has changed, but on the inside, I know how the “old” Felicia would have reacted and I still surprise myself.

I am grateful for the resilience I have inherited from my family. I know I can go through fire and hell, the same way they have been through Siberia Gulags and imposed hardships by the communist system.

But today, I do not need to fight for my survival. I am alive. I am well. I am full of life.

Find out more here

This workshop is for you, if:

1. You want to explore your conscious and unconscious connection with your lineage and their beliefs. 

2. You have no idea what people mean when they say “listen to your body”... because yeah that’s a great concept… but HOW?!

3. You feel this sticky sense of shame, guilt, and anger that follows you around that you’re ready to integrate and release. 

Your Workshop Package

You have the power to rewrite your family’s story. In my Cycle Breaker Workshop I’ll show you how to start changing things.

Price: 58€/ 48 € for ALKEMY members

Please note:

  • Anyone is welcomed to join

  • By joining, you are invited but not required to participate in the exercises offered. Please feel free to skip any activity that you do not feel comfortable with.

  • After the workshop, you may want to take some time to journal or reflect. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep your evening free of plans.

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